On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 5:01 AM, Nilesh SIMARIA <nileshsima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a query about 'SELECT' query's performance when we have one huge
> table vs. multiple small tables.
> Basically in our application, we need to run select query multiple times and
> today we have one huge table. Do you guys think breaking them into
> multiple small tables will help ?
> For test purposes we tried creating multiple tables but performance of
> 'select' query was more or less same.
> Note :- We already have indexing in place.
> Thanks.

SQLite already divides your data up for you very efficiently, so
there's usually not a reason to do it manually.  If you are just
sending keys A-M to table 1, and N-Z to table 2, you won't see any
difference.  Might even run slower, and will certainly make your code
more complex.

The exception being that if your tables are stored on separate disks,
you may be able to get better concurrent performance.

Cory Nelson
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