On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Pavel Ivanov <paiva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > The query return the apropiate values as always the id -> id2 relation is
> > the same and id -> name and id2 -> name2.
> So your id maps uniquely to id2, name and name2. But what about year?
> What value of year do you want to be used in sorting?
> Anyway try to change query as "GROUP BY id, name2, year". If your id
> maps uniquely to the year it won't affect results and along with
> Simon's suggestion it should speed up your query. If your id doesn't
> map uniquely to year then you are sorting by random number, so you
> better remove that from ORDER BY clause.
> Pavel
There are many entries with the same id and id2 because there are other
fields with different data but I talked about the ones I need in this query.
The year can also be different but Im interested only in the latest year. I
use the GROUP because I want unique id and if I add year in GROUP BY I can
get it repeated.

Guess my best option is to use a temp table.
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