On Monday, May 03, 2010 4:47 PM, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
Subject: Proposed new sqlite3_open_v3() interface

> Community feedback is requested for the following proposed new SQLite
> C API:
>    int sqlite3_open_v3(const char*, sqlite3**, int, const char*);
> The new database connection constructor would work exactly like
> sqlite3_open_v2() with the following exceptions [...]
> Question 2:  Are there other foibles that we could correct using
> sqlite3_open_v3?

 Sorry this is so late, but I was just wondering whether the so-called 
 behaviour" in descending integer primary keys (see bottom of
 http://www.sqlite.org/lang_createtable.html) is something that can also be
 fixed with the new "v3" interface?


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