Whats the procedure for using sqlite3_step?

I thought it would be along the lines of the following, but the while 
loop executes infinately. I would have expected the while loop to run 
once for each row found?

Code is as follows:

int queryreturn = sqlite3_step(preparedstatement);

if (queryreturn == SQLITE_DONE)
         //no rows found

     else if (queryreturn == SQLITE_ROW)
         //row found, will process in a sec
         //error, throw exception

     //if we get here we have 1 or more rows to process

     while (queryreturn==SQLITE_ROW)
     {    //process row
         printf("row found\n");

         //advance to next row
         int queryreturn = sqlite3_step(preparedstatement);
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