On Wed, Jul 07, 2010 at 08:20:13PM -0500, Jon Polfer scratched on the wall:
> I'm currently running SQLite 3.5.9.
> I've been experimenting around with temporary views, and discovered
> that:
> a)  They don't appear in sqlite_master after you create them; they do
> however appear in a (I believe undocumented) table called
> sqlite_temp_master that I found by running an EXPLAIN on the CREATE


  Not obvious, but there.

> b) You can create another view with the same name that is non-temporary
> (CREATE VIEW test_view AS SELECT 2 + 2 AS four).

  All temp items go into a different database named "temp".  Object
  names are only unique within a database.

> c) It appears that, if you have a temporary view and a non-temporary
> view of the same name, the temporary view is used, regardless of order
> they were created in.

  Yes.  The search pattern for an unqualified identifier is always:

  1) temp database
  2) main database (opened with sqlite3_open())
  3) any others, in "slot" order (opened with ATTACH).  These will fill
     up in order (assuming no DETACH commands are run).

  If you want to access a specific object, just qualify it.

> Letter a) surprises me; can I count on sqlite_temp_master being around
> for a while?

  Yes, it is just as standard as sqlite_master.

> Letter b) feels like a bug.  Has this been fixed?  

  Not if you understand how it works.  Not fixing what isn't broken.

> Letter c) makes me wonder: is there is a way to reference both views?

  As others have answered, just qualify the identifier with a database


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
 but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
 feel uncomfortable." -- Angela Johnson
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