Matthew Jones <> wrote:
> From a web search (and abbreviated):
>>> I have BLOBs in my schema and the data will often start with bytes of
>>> 0 value.
>>> I'm having a tough time coming up with the proper SQL syntax to
>>> select all the columns that start with 2 0's (or any zeros).
>> SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE myblob LIKE X'0025';
>> SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE quote(myblob) LIKE 'X''00%';

Another approach:

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE substr(myblob, 1, 1) = X'00';

> Now I have a column of blob data (always 20 bytes) and I would like to
> do a LIKE select on this column where I have the first 10 bytes but they
> can be any value including, of course, the % character. Is this possible
> or does the arbitrary nature of the data make this infeasible?

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE substr(myblob, 1, 10) = ?;

Igor Tandetnik

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