On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:25:07PM -0700, Roger Binns wrote:
> > No, just entry points into the library.  What makes you think that I
> > meant that every function in the library should check this?
> I also meant entry points but wasn't specific.  There are a lot of them that
> acquire/release mutexes and every single one would need to be modified. That
> was my original approach until I hit on the idea of swizzling the mutexes
> instead.

There's about ~170 entry points, depending on which version of SQLite3.
There's about ~110 calls to sqlite3_mutex_enter(), and about as many to
drop mutexes.  Some mutex enter/leave calls might occur in loops
(haven't checked), but already ~170 < ~220 :)  Not that such a static
analysis says much.  Most apps probably use a small sub-set of entry
points, and estimating the number of mutex calls on average per-call to
one of those entry points is non-trivial.  But the point is that I would
generally expect #-of-entry-points < #-of-mutex-calls -- that needn't
always be true, but it's probably a good rule of thumb.

Your approach does allow you to implement fork-safety without modifying
SQLite3 source itself, which is pretty cool.  But that's not necessarily
how the SQLite3 maintainers might do it.

> > but when it comes to
> > POSIX file byte range locking (at least for Solaris anyways, which is
> > what I know best, implementation-wise) you can assume that the only
> > broken thing about them is their semantics, not their implementations.
> Having spent a lot of my commercial programming life with many different
> Unix implementations, including Solaris, I do not trust them, especially for
> little used functionality.  And Solaris had many bugs in the past, but I
> haven't touched it in the last few years to form a recent opinion.  (Like
> this one time when I found Sun's NFS implementation was broken based on log
> messages on an HPUX machine and then doing packet capture, and Sun invented
> NFS ...)
> In any event this roughly comes down to me saying to assume they are
> untrustworthy until it can be substantially be proven otherwise, and you
> seeming to believe that they are all correct seemingly based on
> extrapolating from a recent version of Solaris.  Or being a pessimist and
> optimist respectively :-)
> This doesn't really matter.  [...]

I can't argue with detail-free anecdotes.  And I'm sure there have been
bugs.  I do have access to the Solaris bug database, so I could search
it, but by then I'd be spending an enormous amount of time just to argue
a rather minor point.  If you fill in some details I will do a search
for the bugs in question though (since details will help narrow down the

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