What you are trying to do is unclear to me.  It seems that table1 
doesn't have enough data to unambiguously identify the rows.

On 7/23/2010 8:03 AM, peterwinson1 wrote:
> Thanks Eric and Alan for your help.  I tried to apply your code to my problem
> and it works to a limited extent because the problem is more complicated
> than the example I gave in the post.  I tries to simplify my exact problem
> but that didn't work out.  So here is the problem that I trying to solve.
> table1 (KEY, COL1)
> 0, 1
> 0, 2
> 1, 3
> 1, 4
> 2, 5
> 2, 6
> 3, 7
> 3, 8
> table2 (KEY, X, Y)
> 0, 0, 0
> 1, 0, 1
> 2, 1, 0
> 3, 1, 1
> What I would like to do is, like before, subtract COL1 from COL1 where
> table1.KEY = 0 and WHERE table1.KEY is IN (SELECT table2 WHERE X=0).  But I
> want to do a vector subtraction instead of a scalar subtraction.
> So far I have
> UPDATE table1 set COL1 = COL1 - (SELECT COL1 WHERE table1.KEY = 0) WHERE
> table1.KEY IN (SELECT table2 WHERE X=0)
> The result I would like to get is
> table1
> 0, 0 //(1 - 1)
> 0, 0 //(2 - 2)
> 1, 2 //(3 - 1)
> 1, 2 //(4 - 2)
> 2, 5
> 2, 6
> 3, 7
> 3, 8
> Instead I get
> 0, 0 //(1 - 1)
> 0, 1 //(2 - 1)
> 1, 2 //(3 - 1)
> 1, 3 //(4 - 1)
> 2, 5
> 2, 6
> 3, 7
> 3, 8
> Is this possible in SQL?
> peterwinson1 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a some what complex question about UPDATE.  I have the following
>> table
>> table1 (KEY, COL1)
>> 0, 1
>> 1, 2
>> 2, 3
>> 3, 4
>> What I would like to do is to UPDATE COL1 by subtracting the COL1 value
>> where KEY = 0 from the COL1 value of the current row so that the result
>> would be.
>> 0, 0
>> 1, 1
>> 2, 2
>> 3, 3
>> Can this be done in SQL?  It does not have to be one UPDATE/SELECT
>> statement.
>> Thank you
>> pw
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