On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 10:25:13 +0100, Andy Chambers
<achambers.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I've been reading about version compatibility between different
>versions of sqlite at the
>link below:
>It states the expected behaviour for old and new with a different
>first number, and a different second number, but not a different
>third number.  
>I presume this means that a different third number means
>old and new are completely compatible but is there
>anything I can show to my QA person that states this?

The second paragraph on that page implies that, although it
is terse. The philosophy behind the numbering scheme is that
the second number is incremented and the third set to zero
whenever the format changes.

Also, there are no other file format changes than listed in
the table. Note that every one of them goes to a x.y.0
version, except 3.3.6 to 3.3.7, but that is four years ago
and should not influence todays decisions. 
The list looks long, but please note the last two do not
change the on-disk format, but just the OS interface layer.
So, there are hardly any changes at all, and conversion from
one to the other is really easy.

That should convince him/her.
  (  Kees Nuyt
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