On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 17:25:50 PDT, <peter.hiza...@parc.com>

>Consider two tables:
>> create table a(num integer primary key);
>> create table b(num integer primary key);
>After loading both tables we have 1000000 rows in table a and 1000 in table b. 
>We make sure b.num is a subset of a.num. Now we execute:
>> analyze
>We run two queries with timer on:
>> select count(*) from a join b using(num);
>> select count(*) from b join a using(num);
>Both queries return 1000, the 'a join b' takes 0.5 and 'b join a' 0.0. SQLite 
>planner does not reorder join in first query to take advantage of smaller 
>cardinality of b. The reason seems to be that there is no statistics collected 
>for num column index, which is an alias for rowid b-tree. After adding 
>explicit indexes on a(num) and b(num) and analyzing the database both queries 
>take 0.0.
>Why SQLite does not maintain statistics for rowid indexes?

Because the cardinality is known, given that rowid is unique
by definition?
  (  Kees Nuyt
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