I *think* I know the answers these questions, but can you please confirm 
them for me?

1) Does the sqlite3 command-line app .backup command use the 
http://www.sqlite.org/backup.html API, and thus only read-lock the 
database for brief moments (rather than read-locking the database for 
the entire span of the backup)?  I think the answer is "yes".

2) When an application performs read-only selects on the database in 
parallel to the .backup command being run on the database, will the 
application occasionally get the SQLITE_LOCKED return value to the 
sqlite3_exec() command?  I think the answer is "no".

3) When an application performs read/write queries on the database in 
parallel to the .backup command being run on the database, will the 
application occasionally get the SQLITE_LOCKED return value to the 
sqlite3_exec() command?  I think the answer is "yes".

4) Is there any built-in way to identify what other process has locked 
the database when you get the SQLITE_LOCKED return value?  I think the 
answer is "no"

5) Are any of the above answers affected in any way by the new 
write-ahead logging (WAL) feature?  I think the answer is "no".

6) Is there anything an application can do to somehow coordinate with or 
otherwise signal to the .backup script so as to avoid or minimize 
locking conflicts?  I think the answer is "no".

Basically, I'm trying to figure out the best way to do live backups of a 
database thats in active read/write use.  Right now I'm just doing a 
copy of the live file and then running .dump on the copy, but that's 
obviously not ideal and occasionally has corruption issues (especially 
as load increases).  I'm considering using .dump, but I'd like to make 
sure the application is prepared to handle SQLITE_LOCKED correctly. 
Currently it just does a retry after a random timeout, but this 
obviously isn't ideal.  What's the best way to handle this case?  Thanks!

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