Hello -- we recently noticed that some SQL statements containing
subqueries (see below) are very slow in 3.6.23 as compared to the
version we were using before, 3.3.17. I tested the newest release of and the queries are fast again.

The problem is that this is a showstopper for us, but we cannot
immediately upgrade to 3.7, it is just too new and it takes a lot of QA
resources to do so. We'd prefer a more stable solution in the short term.

So I'm trying to figure out if this is a known issue that was fixed for
3.7 in a way that we might be able to patch 3.6. I've been looking for
clues in changelogs and tickets but haven't found anything promising
yet. Can anyone help?

I'm including an example of our query and database...

This is slow:

   select count (*) from reporting
   left outer join (select * from type) as A0
   on a0.id = reporting.id;

This is fast:

   select count (*) from reporting
   left outer join type as A0
   on a0.id = reporting.id;

Download the database (~100kb) from here:


Peter Pawlowski

Peter Pawlowski | Senior Software Engineer
Office: +1.412.422.2499 x116
pawlow...@vivisimo.com | Connect: www.vivisimo.com
Vivisimo - Information Optimized

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