So my problem is the following:

I store some gamedata in my database. Also time data how long you played
the game.

That would be days, hours, minutes, seconds. My first try is to use a
integer value, but the numbers doesn't get insert right and it change the
numbers every time i save. Also double 00 are replaced with 0 zero and
also gives a problem.

7003344 = 7 days 00 hours 33 minutes 44 seconds.
Later i have 0 days 7 hours 33 minutes 44 seconds.

Also trying to change it and use an separator like | doesn't work as well.
There are again the 00 problem.

My thing is, that I don't want to use 4 columns to hold that data.

Is there an another solution or do I have to store it like this?


CREATE TABLE 'users' (
  userid integer primary key not null,
  username text not null,
  userpw text not null,
  userfigur text,
  userpiece integer,
  userchar text,
  playtime integer,
  mastered integer,
  accuracy integer,
  playedgames integer,
  killed integer,
  defeated integer

In an bigger version of this are also many columns that contain 3 sets of
times. If i would use a column for each, that would be many columns. On
table has already over 21 columns. 21 x 3 = to much columns i think.

with best wishes

Artur Reilin
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