
I believe the sqlite shell client is incorrectly telling me I have a malformed
database image when I run VACUUM.  As far as I can tell, the database is, in
fact, uncorrupted, but the message is a bit scary.  I'm using SQLite 3.7.0 (as
packaged by the Debian maintainers), and the database, itself, was also
created with 3.7.0.

$ sqlite3 hf.sqlite3
SQLite version 3.7.0
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> pragma integrity_check;
sqlite> vacuum;
Error: database disk image is malformed
sqlite> pragma integrity_check;

The error message appears every time I've tried to run VACUUM, but I'm able to
continue executing queries in the same session afterward, and they always
succeed.  Running VACUUM is the only time I've seen this error message.

Why might this happen, and is there any way to narrow the problem, if any,
down a bit?  I'm a bit worried that something might be breaking under the
hood and that it will rear its head later on in the form of something
catastrophic and horrible. :)

My schema has three tables, and my application accesses it with PRAGMA
foreign_keys = ON.  The only "abnormal" things about the schema are two CHECK
constraints (on the same column) and one two-column unique index.  One of the
tables has about 200,000 rows, but the other two only have about 90.

I would be happy to share my database and/or schema with anybody who is

Thanks for your help.

(Also, please CC me directly on any responses.)

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