On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Tim Romano <tim.romano...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Igor,
> Here's the example where a partial index can "hide" rows.
> From the wikipedia article cited by the OP:
> <wikipedia>
> It is not necessary that the condition be the same as the index criterion;
> Stonebraker's paper below presents a number of examples with indexes similar
> to the following:
>  create index partial_salary on employee(age) where salary > 2100;
> </wikipedia>
> What would happen if you issued these queries?
>                  select max(age) from employee
>                  select avg(age) from employee
> Would the ages of employees earning <= 2100 be included?


> Is the partial-index used under those circumstances?

No, it would change outcome of the query. The partial index is used
only for optimizing queries that satisfy the index condition.

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