I have this database schema:

CREATE TABLE observations (
    src TEXT,
    dest TEXT,
    verb TEXT,
    occurrences INTEGER
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX observations_index
    ON observations (src, dest, verb);

My program receives a stream of events, which are (src, dest, verb)
tuples.  On every event, I want to look up the row keyed by that
tuple, and then either increment the occurrences cell if a row is
found, or insert a new row (with occurrences equal to 1) if there was
no match.  In pseudocode,

if (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM observations
        WHERE src == :src AND dest == :dest AND verb == :verb) == 1:
    UPDATE observations SET occurrences = occurrences + 1
        WHERE src == :src AND dest == :dest AND verb == :verb
    INSERT INTO observations VALUES (:src, :dest, :verb, 1)

This does two index lookups on every event, though, and will be messy
to code as I have to do all database access asynchronously.  Is it
possible to do this operation in one SQLite statement?  I asked on
Stack Overflow and this was suggested ...

    INSERT OR IGNORE INTO observations VALUES (:src, :dest, :verb, 0);
    UPDATE observations SET occurrences = occurrences + 1 WHERE
        src = :src AND dest = :dest AND verb = :verb;

which at least gets all the logic into SQL, but there's still two
index lookups in there where one should suffice.

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