While I greatly appreciate the help I've gotten on SQLite in general, I still 
wonder about the last part of my questions below. Can anyone recommend a good 
book for learning to use SQLite? What about these that I found on Amazon.com
The Definitive Guide to SQLite by Mike Owens
Using SQLite by Jay A. Kreibich 
The SQL Guide to SQLite by Rick F. van der Lans 
I only know a little about SQL in general and even less about SQLite, and I 
could probably use help. I learned how to program in Visual Studio.NET 2003 
from a book 
Sam's Teach Yourself Microsoft Visual Basic.NET 2003. I'm now using Visual 
Basic 2010 Express (and have ordered a book on it).
Bob Keeland

--- On Sat, 9/11/10, Olaf Schmidt <s...@online.de> wrote:

From: Olaf Schmidt <s...@online.de>
Subject: Re: [sqlite] New to SQLite and I have a question
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Date: Saturday, September 11, 2010, 6:00 PM

"Bob Keeland" <keela...@yahoo.com> schrieb

> I am new to using SQLite but think that it may be good
> for a project that I'm working on. I do my programming
> in Visual Basic and don't know any C\C++.
> Is there any problem with connecting with SQLite from
> Visual Basic?
Though the links Simon gave you, are for wrappers which
"connect" you to the (VB).NET world.
If it is "classic VB" you're using (up to VB-Version 5/6) -
then you can also take a look at the COM-Wrapper-
section in the SQLite-wiki:

> My main question - Does this sound like SQLite would
> be appropriate?
Yes, from what you wrote, there should be no problems -
does not seem like a "heavy scenario" - and could even
fit into memory completely (at least on Desktop-Systems),
and SQLite supports "InMemory-Mode".

As to expanding your solution to Handheld-Devices ...
SQLite is working fine there (although many Devs
prefer working at the lower "C-language-level" then) -
but as far as I know, Robert Simpsons .NET-wrapper
(http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com) should work there
as well... as long as you're targetting devices, which
support the .NET-mobile framework (then you
could work further with your language-binding as
long as it is the VB.NET-basic-dialect and not

A broader approach, to bring your "search-services"
to these devices would be a "Web-hosted one",
since most of the newer Smartphones come with
a decent Browser (and often with permanent Internet-
connection nowadays).

> I've been using Access as my database up to now...
As said, if VB.NET, then http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com
is a good recommendation (working over ADO.NET)...
and in case we're talking about VB-Classic and
existing experience with "normal (COM-) ADO" - then
my wrapper at: http://www.thecommon.net/2.html
is probably the one with the greatest resemblance
to ADO-behaviour - not much to learn anew.

But if your GUI (for the Desktop-Version) is not too
complex, I'd develop a "unified solution" (for both,
Desktop and HandHeld) as a WebApp ...


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