BareFeetWare wrote:
> All this talk of replacing multiple commas with pipes, then replacing pipes 
> and so on, though clever and helpful is problematic, cumbersome and even 
> comical for a mature product like SQLite.
> On 13/09/2010, at 9:53 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> This is true.  You are right.  You might argue that it's a bug.
> I'd absolutely argue that it's a bug or at least an incomplete feature.
> This issue has arisen so often on this list that I can't understand why CSV 
> isn't fully implemented yet.
> Some have argued here in the past that CSV isn't properly defined to which 
> others of us have argued that it is effectively universally accepted that:
> 1. Anything within quotes "like, this", is one value and should import into 
> one column.
> 2. Two quotes "" within quotes should import as one quote.
> 3. Outside quotes, a new line defines a new row.
> 4. Outside quotes, a comma defines a new column.
> Please make it so.

If you would like a new project, then here are the specs<G>

-- kjh

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