I appreciate the prompt response to my prior question about triggers,
and have another one.

I'm using a python program to query an SQLite database from realtime
data (IDS data actually).  Every time I get a hit in the database, I
want to record in that record an updated hitcount, and the timestamp
that it occured, something like:

cursor.execute("UPDATE detail SET lastaccessed=datetime('now'),
hitcount=? WHERE ROWID=?", [ row["hitcount"]+1, row["ROWID"] ])

where row[] is the row that was read in from the database.

However, I'm wondering if I can just do this via a trigger in the
database, so that I just tell sqlite something like:

cursor.execute("UPDATE detail WHERE ROWID=?", [row["ROWID"] ]);

Can I have a trigger do all the work, or do I need to SET something?
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