> Using base64 will allow you to take binary data (arbitrary 1s and 0s) and
> store it in a text field.  However, SQLite has BLOB fields, which can be
> used to store data in its original binary form, and will indeed take up
> fewer bytes than encoding it in base64.
> So you need to look at the PHP functions for SQLite which mention BLOB
> fields, or do a relevant Google search.  They're a little more complicated
> to use than other fields because they can be so long, but they work fine.
> If you want more details you need to tell us whether you're using the PDO
> interface to SQLite or the SQLite3 interface directly.  If you're not
> sure, just give us the URL of the page you're using for reference.
> Simon.

I forgot to write, that i used a blob field, but the problem was with the
query not seem to work right.

And your question about the way i used it: I use $db = new SQLite3. I
think that is the interface then, right? Just with oop.

But see my answer under the other quote.

> Why are you using addslashes?  This sounds like you're trying to embed
> the whole thing as an SQL literal.  Don't do that.  Use a parameter in
> the SQL, then bind it with type SQLITE3_BLOB, ideally using a column
> with NONE affinity (e.g., of type BLOB NULL) underneath.
> (The addslashes function is often a red flag in the general case.)
> See http://us2.php.net/manual/en/sqlite3stmt.bindvalue.php if you
> haven't already.
>    ---> Drake Wilson

That addslashes was just in the code. I don't get the idea, why the
creator of the code example used it. Perhaps it was more compatible with
mysql then.

Anyways, the way you gave me worked like charm. I got all the images (386
as number) in the database.

That was a significant file change from 2.87 mb to 1.82 mb. Like I
expected it.

I just don't get it back then, then i saw about that bindvalue thing,
what's the idea behind this. I never run in any problems. So, now I have
an idea why this is good.

That's how it worked for me:

$prepare_image = $db->prepare('insert or replace into thumbs



I used that for a foreach loop to get the whole folder in database.

So thanks to you both for the information. Now we have an image example
input in the archives. ;)

With best wishes.

Artur Reilin
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