I'm trying to get SQLite working in my C++ project via a DLL, but I"m
getting unresolved external symbol errors.

I downloaded SQLiteDLL-3 from the download page, extracted its contents (a
DLL and a .h file), and ran lib.exe on it to produce a .lib file. I then set
the directory containing the .lib and the .dll files to be an Additional
Library Directory, in the project settings, under Linker >> General. Then I
downloaded SQLiteSource-3 from the download page, and extracted the
SQLite3.h file to the directory with the .Lib and .DLL files, and added that
directory as an Additional Include Directory under C/C++ >> General. I added
#include to my main file, and then added sqlite3.lib as an Additional
Dependency in Linker >> Input.

When I try to compile, I get these errors:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _sqlite3_exec referenced in
function _main

 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _sqlite3_open referenced in
function _main

fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals

Can somebody point me in the right direction to figuring out why this is
happening, and what I can do to resolve it?

Thank you.
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