
I am having some problems with a new database that I am trying to setup.

This database is a large file (about 8.7 GB without indexing).  The problem
I am having is that SELECT statements are extremely slow.  The goal is to
get the database file up and running for an embedded application (we have 
tons of storage space so the size is not a problem).

Here is the schema layout:

CREATE table Dted (dtedkey INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, dted_lat
INTEGER, dted_lon INTEGER, dted_alt FLOAT);

We lookup dted_alt based on dted_lat and dted_lon.  Here is our SELECT

SELECT dted_alt FROM Dted WHERE (dted_lat=%d AND dted_lon=%d);

The numbers fed to dted_lat and dted_lon are typically on the order of 
370000 and -1110000.

What can we do to speed up our SELECT statements?  Minutes is
unacceptable for our application.  We were hoping we could run somewhere
on the order of 500 queries per second and get valid results back.

I am not an SQL expert, but I was reading about indexes that that it is
best to have a specific index per SELECT.  Since we only have one,
this is the index I am creating now (it has been creating this index on my
machine for the past 10 minutes now):

CREATE INDEX idx_ll ON Dted(dted_lat,dted_lon);

Is that a good index for my SELECT?  Will it speed up the accesses?

Any thoughts?


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