On Mon, 08 Nov 2010 12:24:22 -0500, George <george.r...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there. I'm wondering what the best way to represent a 16 byte UUID in
> sqlite might be (I didn't see any specific data type for UUIDs in the
> documentation, but forgive me if there is).
> I could just stringify or blob it, but I might have to index a large  
> number
> of items by this identifier (thousands) , so speed is a consideration  
> more
> than space would be.

BLOBs are always compared using memcmp().  Hopefully that is an intrinsic  
in your compiler.

TEXT strings may be compared case-sensitively, case-insensitively, or with  
a user-defined collating function.  Note that you can bind and insert any  
arbitrary bytes as a TEXT value; SQLite simply assumes you are inserting  
valid UTF-8/UTF-16 (depending on database encoding).  I therefore presume  
(but do not know for certain) that in the unlikely event you somehow have  
something faster than memcmp(), you could stuff your 16-byte UUIDs in as  
TEXT and apply your user collation.  Yes, that would be a very ugly hack;  
and there may (or may not) be additional user-function overhead which  
would overwhelm the speed advantage of a hypothetical faster-than-memcmp()  

Those are the only two SQLite3 datatypes capable of holding a 16-byte  

Samuel Adam <a...@certifound.com>
763 Montgomery Road
Hillsborough, NJ  08844-1304
United States
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