Hello Teg,

Thursday, November 11, 2010, 12:08:23 PM, you wrote:

T> I have a 5GB DB file, 5 simple tables. Several million entries. When I
T> tried to delete perhaps 10% of the entries. The WAL file blew up to
T> 51 GB, 10 times bigger than the DB file itself.  I understand the
T> problem I think, with long transactions and have since split the
T> transactions up into smaller chunks.

T> My question is, can I fix this DB? "integrity_check" says it's OK but,
T> when I "Pragma wal_checkpoint;" from Sqlite.exe, nothing seems to
T> happen. It completes and the WAL file is still 51 GB. I was expecting
T> it to integrate the changes in the WAL file back into the DB file
T> proper.

Sorry to reply to myself. False alarm. It did all the work but, I had to
manually refresh the display to see it.

Best regards,
 Teg                            mailto:t...@djii.com

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