Dear list,

I'm probably doing something really stupid here, but I feel I need to
ask you anyway to see id there is something that I've missed.
Is it not possible for a trigger to trigger itself? I get triggers
that trigger triggers, but so far not triggers that trigger
themselves... (yes, many triggers.. :-) )

This is what I am doing:

I need to compute the transitive closure of a graph:

Tables I am using are:

--- This table stores the connections---
CREATE TABLE level_level (
parent_id INTEGER REFERENCES levels(id),
child_id INTEGER REFERENCES levels(id),
PRIMARY KEY(parent_id,child_id)

--- This table stores the TC
CREATE TABLE tc_level_level (
ancestor_id INTEGER REFERENCES levels(id),
descendant_id INTEGER REFERENCES levels(id),
depth INTEGER,
path TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY(ancestor_id,descendant_id,depth) ON CONFLICT IGNORE

Now, I have two triggers:

--- This trigger inserts the simple connections into the TC table
CREATE TRIGGER ll_tcll_insert after insert on level_level for each row begin
delete from tc_level_level where depth > 1;
insert into tc_level_level select NEW.parent_id
ancestor_id,NEW.child_id descendant_id,1 depth,NEW.parent_id || ','
||NEW.child_id path from level_level;

--- This table stores the TC
CREATE TRIGGER tcll_tcll_insert after insert on tc_level_level for
each row begin
insert into tc_level_level select tc1.ancestor_id, tc2.descendant_id,
tc1.depth + tc2.depth,tc1.path || substr(tc2.path,
length(tc2.ancestor_id)+1) from tc_level_level tc1, tc_level_level tc2
where tc1.descendant_id = tc2.ancestor_id;

A sample run looks like this:

> delete from level_level;
> delete from tc_level_level;
> INSERT INTO "level_level" VALUES(1,2);
> INSERT INTO "level_level" VALUES(1,3);
> INSERT INTO "level_level" VALUES(3,4);
> INSERT INTO "level_level" VALUES(4,5);
> INSERT INTO "level_level" VALUES(2,5);
> select * from level_level;
parent_id   child_id
----------  ----------
1           2
1           3
3           4
4           5
2           5
> select * from tc_level_level;
ancestor_id  descendant_id  depth       path
-----------  -------------  ----------  ----------
1            2              1           1,2
1            3              1           1,3
3            4              1           3,4
4            5              1           4,5
2            5              1           2,5
1            5              2           1,2,5
1            4              2           1,3,4
3            5              2           3,4,5

So, why is there not a

1            5              3           1,3,4,5


Second question is, of course, can I depend on this behaviour? Or, is
it just because of the version of SQLite I am currently using



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