
Sorry, never mind this post. I haven't found the problem actually yet,
but a "bare minimum" example fed directly to the interpreter through
the command line works correctly:

% package require sqlite3
% set inf [open 1_schema.sql r]
% set sql [read $inf]
[... the contents of the read file is dumped ..]
% close $inf
% sqlite3 db :memory:
% db eval $sql
% puts [db eval {SELECT sqlite_version(), sqlite_source_id()}]
3.7.2 {2010-08-23 18:52:01 42537b60566f288167f1b5864a5435986838e3a3}
% db eval {select * from SQLITE_MASTER} values {parray values}
[... data concerning all tables are dumped... ]

So, the error is somewhere else in the code. Sorry about that. :-/


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