Thanks, that one works indeed and will use that.


On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Swithun Crowe
<> wrote:
> Hello
> BS> Thanks, I tried that and it gives no error, but only gives the first
> BS> lot, not the bit after the union all.
> Ah. I hadn't tried with data. I don't know why the LIMIT affects the UNION
> ALL, when it is buried in a subquery. It doesn't affect a UNION (no ALL).
> In your real data and query, can a patient have more than one age? If not,
> then UNION and UNION ALL would produce the same results.
> sqlite> create table table1 (patientID int, age int);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (1, 50);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (2, 50);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (3, 50);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (4, 50);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (5, 50);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (6, 50);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (7, 50);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (8, 60);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (9, 60);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (10, 60);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (11, 60);
> sqlite> insert into table1 (patientID, age) values (12, 60);
> This seems to work:
> select patientID
> from table1
> where patientID in (select patientID from table1 where age=50 limit 6)
> union all
> select patientID
> from table1
> where patientID in(select patientID from table1 where age=60 limit 4);
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 6
> 8
> 9
> 10
> 11
> Swithun.
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