There's a problem aligning columns containing UTF-8 (non-ASCII) characters
correctly when output is done in column mode.

The .width was set as ".width 5 30 15 15 10 30 10" and here's an example of
the incorrect output:

(Maybe paste into editor with fixed width font to better see the error)


BookI  Title                           Last Name        First Name
Date Read   Original Title                  Story Titl
-----  ------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------
----------  ------------------------------  ----------
20     Bakom fasaden                   Sandemo          Margit           0
20     Bakom fasaden                   Sandemo          Margit
13     Blodshämnd                     Sandemo          Margit           0
13     Blodshämnd                     Sandemo          Margit
10     Bödelns dotter                 Sandemo          Margit           0
10     Bödelns dotter                 Sandemo          Margit
24     Demonen och jungfrun            Sandemo          Margit           0
24     Demonen och jungfrun            Sandemo          Margit
43     Demonernas fjäll               Sandemo          Margit           0
43     Demonernas fjäll               Sandemo          Margit


Columns with special characters like ("å" "ä" "å") get too short widths when

I guess this is due to the shell not counting actual UTF8 *characters/code
points* when calculating the widths, but instead only
counting the plain bytes in the strings, so they will seem longer until they
are actually printed to the console.

The output was done to a Windows console with code page set to 65001.

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