Quoth Waldemar Derr <m...@wladid.de>, on 2010-11-26 12:24:27 +0100:
> --Don't working: (Error: 1st ORDER BY term does not match any column in the
> result set.)
> SELECT * FROM OrderTest WHERE Price < 200 
> SELECT * FROM OrderTest WHERE Price > 500 
> ORDER BY Price IS 0, Price;

>From http://sqlite.org/lang_select.html:
| Otherwise, if the ORDER BY expression is any other expression, it is
| evaluated and the the returned value used to order the output rows. If
| the SELECT statement is a simple SELECT, then an ORDER BY may contain
| any arbitrary expressions. However, if the SELECT is a compound
| SELECT, then ORDER BY expressions that are not aliases to output
| columns must be exactly the same as an expression used as an output
| column.

> Is this a bug? In MySQL it works as expected. Is there a workaround?

Add another output column with the expression you want, give it a
name, and ORDER BY that name.

My guess is that this is because the multiple output column
specification parts of a compound SELECT may result in different
intrepretations of an arbitrary expr in that position, and it's
not clear how any kind of inwards propagation would work without
yielding surprising results.

   ---> Drake Wilson
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