Hello Folks:

I just started a big project that needed an internal database manager and 
SQLite looks like it will fit the bill.  I am old hat with SQL but have 
absolutely no experience with SQLite, so here's hoping that you folks are a 
real friendly bunch and will help me get up to speed.

Promise:  I will do my homework first before contacting the list so if the 
question seems dumb, believe me, I've tried to figure it out on my own.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, here's that first dumb-sounding question.

I got my boss to purchase an O'Reilly book called Using SQLite, and the author 
makes a rather ominous statement:  "All of the SQLite source is written in 
C...Make sure you use a vanilla C Compiler."

I just added it to a Visual Studio 8 project, turned off the use of precompiled 
headers (the project is a C++ project) and compiled the SQLite.c file without 
any errors.  Is it really that easy, or am I about ready to be hit by a Mac 
truck filled with bugaboos?

John A.M. Darnell
Senior Programmer
Walsworth Publishing Company
Brookfield, MO
John may also be reached at 

Trivia SF question:  In the movie, THE MATRIX, just before Neo and Trinity take 
a harrowing ride up an elevator shaft holding on to an elevator cable, Neo 
mutters a single phrase. What is that phrase?

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