Richard Hipp wrote:
> I changed to a more consistent naming scheme for all of the build products:
> with the OS and ARCH being omitted for source-code products.  In your
> case, you probably are looking for
> which is the very first build product at the top of the page at
> Or maybe you want
> which is the second build product from the top.  The -amalgamation-
> product is just the sqlite3.c source file and a few others.  The
> -autoconf- product contains sqlite3.c together with a configure
> script, ready to build on your unix-like machine.

I am also working with automated scripts, which now have to be updated to use 
either the new style or old style depending on the user-requested SQLite 
version.  (DBD::SQLite bundles a SQLite version, and includes a script users 
use to pull in a different, albeit typically newer, SQLite version to use with 
DBD::SQLite instead.)

With respect to the two files:


A few questions:

1.  Why does the file "sqlite3ext.h" differ between the 2 of them?  The one in 
-amalgamation had added some declarations from 
but the one in -autoconf is the same as for 3.7.3; I would expect -autoconf to 
be a proper superset.

2.  Why does -amalgamation unzip to the folder name 
"sqlite-amalgamation-3070400" but -autoconf untars to the folder name 
"sqlite-3.7.4"?  Why the inconsistent use of version formats?

-- Darren Duncan
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