
I notice a new API function in sqlite 3.7.4, namely sqlite3_stmt_readonly.

But what I wonder is, for what purpose it can be used?  On the face of it, 
it seems very useful, but then as you read through the description you find 
a whole load of statement types that return an "undefined" result (I assume 
meaning it could return either true or false apparently by random), 
effectively meaning that the function is useless unless you first parse the 
statement's sql to find out if it is one of the "supported" statement types?

Wouldn't it be so much better if the function returned a "true", "false" and 
a third value "undefined"...

... or, have I missed something?

If I were to suggest some better return codes: "true" could return 
SQLITE_READONLY, "false" could return SQLITE_OK (this keeps compatibility), 
"undefined" could return SQLITE_MISUSE.


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