> I can't solve your problem but I have observations.  I don't see how any SGDB 
> (or RDBS as we call them) could do this quickly without lots of indexes.

but they do :( Firebird for exemple ...

> Your long SELECT command is something I would probably do in my programming 
> language instead of SQLite.  Just read every record and do the 'ifs' in my 
> language.  I think this would actually be as fast or faster than having 
> SQLite do it.

yes but we speak about millionS of rows :(

> But there are ways to make SQLite do it quickly.  Either way you have to read 
> every record, so there's no way to save time there.  Another way to do it 
> would be to add a column to your HASH table.  Let's call it 'tally'.  You 
> would start by doing
> UPDATE HASH set tally = 0;
> Then you would do 25 UPDATE commands like
> UPDATE HASH SET tally = tally + 1 WHERE x1_y1 BETWEEN #randomnumber1 AND 
> (#randomnumber1 + 20);
> [...]
> UPDATE HASH SET tally = tally + 1 WHERE x3_y2 BETWEEN #randomnumber34 AND 
> (#randomnumber34 + 20);
> [...]
> UPDATE HASH SET tally = tally + 1 WHERE x5_y5 BETWEEN #randomnumber73 AND 
> (#randomnumber73 + 20);
> Then to find the records which obeyed all 25 limits you'd do
> SELECT id FROM HASH WHERE tally = 25;

yes but not really a "multri thread" solutions :(

> If you put 26 indexes on the table (one on each x_y and one on tally) this 
> should execute really quickly. It might be faster still if you make another 
> table just for the 'tally' column.

but the row returning by just the 5 index is already zero :( so how 
adding more index can help ?
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