On 21 Dec 2010, at 12:16, Max Vlasov wrote:

> Simon, I read both your suggestion and the Richard's good explanation about
> network problems. I think that the idea still deserves to live in some form
> :). I sometimes access sqlite db on a remote computer accessed with sqlite
> shell executed in telnet/ssh. It works and it looks like good design for
> interaction in terms of network bandwidth. If it can be implemented in more
> friendly way toward the developer, I think it would still be a lighter
> version of a sql-aware dbms than SQLite/PostgreSQL.

I would like to explore what is meant by 'lighter' in this context, and why it 
is desirable. I have thought about this in the context of what I think it might 
mean; if you mean it to mean something else please let me know.

If it means that the on-disk stored data format (file size) should be as small 
as it is in SQLite today:

It should be significantly easier to define a new storage engine for MySQL that 
uses the SQLite data format for its tables.

If it means that the client binary should be as small as it is in SQLite today:

At first glance there is some chance of improving matters. The MySQL client 
library is 3,251,266 bytes vs 752,924 bytes for SQLite on my Linux AMD64 
machine. A cursory analysis suggests that it would be easier and as-effective 
to put the MySQL client on a diet.

I unarchived the MySQL library to see what all the code in it is. Judging by 
the filenames 926,312 bytes is encryption/SSL code and 1,446,920 bytes is 
character-set conversion code. Subtracting the size of the encryption logic and 
all the character set logic except utf8 and ucs2 leaves 987,810 bytes for the 
MySQL client. Of course the connections would not then be secure; this is just 
for the sake of a fairer comparison: the corresponding SSL/encryption code 
would need to be added to any SQLite client library if its connections were to 
be meaningfully secured over a network. Actually a sensible halfway point would 
be to ditch everything but the strongest algorithms (keep AES, SHA-512, RSA and 
drop RC4, MD2, MD4, MD5, DES, BlowFish, TwoFish, etc).

The real difference remaining is therefore about 235k, which I suspect is not 
worth fretting over on any device with a network connection. Building the MySQL 
client with -Os might even be enough to effect that change.

> Another thought, imagine
> that a remote computer contains many sqlite databases and moreover, many
> versions of the same database. It's easy to imagine this like hierarchy of
> sqlite files accessed remotely, but I just can't imagine straightforward way
> to implement this with conventional client/server dbms.

Implementing an SQLite-based server does not obviously enable this in and of 
itself. If you could open a database on a remote machine using its filename as 
the OP was trying to do it would enable this, but we got into this discussion 
when it was discovered that doing so was a bad idea.

Best Regards,

Phil Willoughby
Managing Director, StrawberryCat Limited

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