
SQLite sounds pretty reasonnable to me:

>select "select distinct favicon_id from moz_places";
>select distinct favicon_id from moz_places;

Returns NULL

>select "deleting: standard method...";
>delete from moz_favicons where id not in (select distinct favicon_id
>from moz_places); -- here is the alleged bug?

Are any id row(s) in moz_favicons = NULL ?   No, hence I don't any 
surprise here.

Rows in moz_favicons are:

id  url data    mime_type   expiration
1   http://fedoraproject.org/static/images/favicon.ico  (BLOB) 
image/png   1293223842352252
2   http://slashdot.org/favicon.ico (BLOB)  image/png   1293221318471851

No, there are no NULLs in IDs.

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