Hi all,

Have a question regarding a particular issue I am dealing with... I
have a database in which I create a pivot table to get a no dupe list
using a 'select distinct'. I then take that list into Python and then
iterate over it to look up data in another table to add in the
latitude and longitude for each entry. Each entry could have over a
thousand 'dupes' that I am trying to update with the lat/lon...
Anyway, what I have noticed is that when I run the following Python
'SQLite command' sometimes all the 'dupes' get updates and sometimes
some do and some don't as well as sometimes none get updated... I am
able to replicate this with the same SQLite command in SQLite Manager:

update_data = 'update matrix set %s = %f, %s = %f where %s = "%s"' %
(A_B + '_Lat', Lat_Site, A_B + '_Lon',Lon_Site, A_B, Site[0])

I know that the chosen method to add in the variables is not
recommended, but I have not figured out how to do it with the ?. So
this is what I have right now... Functionality trumps security in this
case as I am the only one even opening the file... Any ideas on what
I'm doing wrong to get this sporadic result for the updates?

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