"Sachin Gupta" <scgu...@ipolicynetworks.com>
schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> Following are the setup details that we are presuming that our
> application will be put through test:
> 1. One writer thread (To avoid multiple Writers. We don't
>     actually need multiple writers)
Good so far... because what you want, is only *one*
SQLite-thread when working against InMemory-DBs... ;-)

> 2. Multiple (around 5-8 Reader Threads)
Don't know, what you need these Reader-Threads for -
certainly not to achieve better Read-Performance against
SQLite when used with an InMemory-DB.

They could be helpful, if you use them, to host e.g. multiple
socket-connections, which place incoming Select-Strings
in a "queue" - and they could also be used, to send *copies*
of your resultsets back over the same TCP-connection without
"disturbing your SQLite-InMemory-Thread further".

Please shade some more light on that "necessitiy".

> 3. One Record size of ~2K (slightly on the higher Side)
> 4. Insertion rate (MAX) = 1500 per sec
That would sum-up to about 3MB per sec, which is
an insertion-data-rate, SQLite should have no problem
with at all (in InMemory-Mode).

The more interesting question is, in what chunks do these
~1500 records per second come in?
150 records any 100msec - or is it 15records any 10msec -

In either case I would predict, that the inserts (when using
the Binding-interfaces) would take only a tenth of these
"incoming-chunks-interval" (remember, that SQLite can
achieve sustained insertion-data-rates of more than
150000 records per second, as Eric already wrote and as
is also my experience, especially against InMemory-DBs
and if no "heavy indexing" was defined on the table in

What is more interesting (since you want to work against
Memory), is "where this all ends"?
With ~3MB per second, after around 20minutes (1200secs)
you would consume already ~3.5GByte of memory,
having around 1.8Mio records in your table(s).

So, what is your usecase ... do you want to work with
something like a ringbuffer? Are Deletes involved - and
after what time do they begin "to kick in"?

> 5. One main table and some helper Tables.
> We are presuming that the write operations would be pretty
> heavy but the read operations will be somewhat lighter.
I assume you mean with "lighter"...:
"Not with the same rate as the insertion-frequency."

But are they really light?
What kind of Selects are these - what's the indexing-scheme
to keep your queries fast (assuming your memory will grow
into the Gigabyte-Range).

> And of course there will be instances where the read and
> write are happening simultaneously.
No there will be no such instances, since the InMemory-
DB-Connection is used on only one thread - but that
isn't really a problem, if you "do it right"...

Let's assume, your 1500 records per second come in in chunks of
15 (from a device for example, which you could handle in a
separate device-thread, so that "waiting for the next data-chunk
of the device" will not disturb your SQLite-InMemory-Thread).

So the data of such an 15-record-chunk comes in at roughly
10msec each. SQLite in InMemory-Mode and without
any heavy indexes on the tables in question will be finished
with the inserts of these 15 records in about 1-2msec max.

After that the SQLite-Thread would have 8msec of "Idle-Time"
(until the next "15-record-chunk" comes in) - and it could
use these 8msecs to perform "Select-Strings" which
were queued within your "5-8 reader threads" - it would
be your responsibility, to perform only that many of
these queued selects, that you stay within your 8-10msec-
limit Idle-Time (because the next chunk of "write-data"
is coming soon) - but if you design your indexes carefully
(preferrably occupying only the RowID-Field) - then you
could mayhap perform 4 Selects (2msec each) in these
8msec, placing a copy of the read-data from each sqlite_step
directly in a memory-area of the current "reader thread
you serve".

This way you could answer 4 reader-selects in each
10msec-interval, with a "data-actuality" of max.
"10msec behind schedule" - but you already told us,
that your readers "select-frequency" is not that high,
so you will probably have to perform only one of these
Selects in the 8msec "Idle-Time-between-chunks"

So what are really the "real-time-requirements" in your
scenario - do you need to work even more "near
to your incoming write-data"? Then maybe shorten the
Insert-Intervals to e.g. "5 Records any 3msec" and
only one allowed Select in such an interval.
Your single SQLite-Thread will perhaps handle that
happily too - you will only need to ensure proper
queuing in your "satellite-threads around this SQLite-
worker" (as are your device-thread, assuming this is
the datasource of your insert-records ... and also in
your accompanying reader-threads, which would only
need to be responsible for queueing Select-Strings
and also to queue "resultset-copies-ready-to-send-

So, the SQLite-Thread (hosting the InMemory-Connection)
is only responsible, to look around - checking the
device-thread-queue for the next incoming 5-record-chunk -
and checking (round robin) the reader-threads for new
incoming Selects (performing only one at a time, then
the next look will always go to the device-queue again).


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