On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Duquette, William H (318K) <
william.h.duque...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

> I've just discovered that a REPLACE can trigger a
> cascading delete.  Is this expected behavior?
> I have an undo scheme where I grab entire rows from the
> database before they are changed; then, on undo I
> simply put the rows back using "INSERT OR REPLACE".
> My assumption was that doing a REPLACE was
> equivalent to doing an UPDATE on the non-key
> values given the key values.  Apparently not.

Nope.  REPLACE is a shorthand for DELETE followed by INSERT.  Note that if
there are multiple uniqueness constraints on a table, a REPLACE might get
translated into multiple DELETEs (one for each uniqueness constraint)
followed by a single INSERT.  Hence a REPLACE can reduce the number of rows
in a table.

> Here's some SQL that illustrates the problem:
> PRAGMA foreign_keys=1;
> CREATE TABLE parent(
>    parent_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
>    value     TEXT);
>    child_id  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
>    parent_id TEXT REFERENCES parent(parent_id)
>                   ON DELETE CASCADE
>    value     TEXT);
> INSERT INTO parent(parent_id, value) VALUES('FRED',   1);
> INSERT INTO parent(parent_id, value) VALUES('GEORGE', 2);
> INSERT INTO child(parent_id, value) VALUES('FRED',   'FOO');
> INSERT INTO child(parent_id, value) VALUES('FRED',   'BAR');
> INSERT INTO child(parent_id, value) VALUES('GEORGE', 'FOO');
> -- Causes the records in child that reference FRED
> -- to be deleted.
> REPLACE INTO parent(parent_id, value) VALUES('FRED',3);
> Will Duquette -- william.h.duque...@jpl.nasa.gov
> Athena Development Lead -- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
> "It's amazing what you can do with the right tools."
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