Good news, everyone! I've taught SQLite to feel love!

No, wait, that's not it. I spotted the thread 'how to use group_concat
uniquely' today, and felt inspired, so I wrote a quick patch.

The patch allows a multi-argument aggregate function to be passed
DISTINCT, under the restriction that every other argument must be

This allows for, among other things, the following syntax:

sqlite> select group_concat(distinct type, ';') from sqlite_master;

But you still can't do it if there is more than one column referenced:

sqlite> select group_concat(distinct type, tbl_name) from sqlite_master;
Error: DISTINCT aggregates must have at most one non-constant argument

I know how I would implement that, but that's way more effort than I'm
willing to expend right now.

Here's a quick diff.  If people (in particular, DRH) think it's worth
it, I'll write up the test cases and submit a more formal patch.

Index: src/select.c
--- src/select.c
+++ src/select.c
@@ -3487,10 +3487,74 @@
   if( pParse->nErr || db->mallocFailed ) return;
   sqlite3SelectAddTypeInfo(pParse, p);

+** Set up and validate an aggregate being called with a DISTINCT argument.
+** Verifies that one of the following is true:
+**     *  The aggregate takes exactly one argument.
+**     *  The aggregate is being passed at most one non-constant argument.
+** If neither of these is satisfied, the return value is zero.
+** Otherwise, the return value is nonzero, and the following are performed:
+**     * pFunc->iDistinctArg is set to the index of the argument that is
+**       DISTINCT.
+**     * keyExprList is filled out to refer to only the distinct column.
+**       Note that all pointers are aliased to the original expression list;
+**       no freeing must be done.
+static int setupDistinctAggregate(Parse *pParse, struct AggInfo_func
*pFunc, ExprList *keyExprList){
+  int i;
+  ExprList *pEL = pFunc->pExpr->x.pList;
+  struct ExprList_item *pELi;
+  pFunc->iDistinctArg = -1;
+  if( pEL==0 ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if( pEL->nExpr==1 ){
+    /* If there is only one argument to the aggregate, that argument
must be the
+    ** DISTINCT one.
+    */
+    pFunc->iDistinctArg = 0;
+  }else{
+    /* Okay, there is more than one argument to this aggregate.
+    ** Require that at most one is non-constant.
+    */
+    for(i=0, pELi=pEL->a; i<pEL->nExpr; i++, pELi++){
+      if( !sqlite3ExprIsConstantOrFunction(pELi->pExpr) )
+      {
+        if( pFunc->iDistinctArg>=0 ){
+          return 0;
+        }
+        pFunc->iDistinctArg = i;
+      }
+    }
+    if( pFunc->iDistinctArg<0 ){
+      /* All of the arguments passed to this function are constant.
+      ** Arbitrarily choose the first argument for the DISTINCTness.
+      ** TODO: somehow degrade this to a non-DISTINCT for this case.
+      */
+      pFunc->iDistinctArg = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  keyExprList->nExpr = 1;
+  keyExprList->nAlloc = 0;
+  keyExprList->iECursor = pEL->iECursor;
+  keyExprList->a = &pEL->a[pFunc->iDistinctArg];
+  return 1;
 ** Reset the aggregate accumulator.
 ** The aggregate accumulator is a set of memory cells that hold
 ** intermediate results while calculating an aggregate.  This
 ** routine simply stores NULLs in all of those memory cells.
@@ -3507,17 +3571,18 @@
   for(pFunc=pAggInfo->aFunc, i=0; i<pAggInfo->nFunc; i++, pFunc++){
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, pFunc->iMem);
     if( pFunc->iDistinct>=0 ){
       Expr *pE = pFunc->pExpr;
+      ExprList keyEL;
       assert( !ExprHasProperty(pE, EP_xIsSelect) );
-      if( pE->x.pList==0 || pE->x.pList->nExpr!=1 ){
-        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "DISTINCT aggregates must have exactly one "
-           "argument");
+      if( !setupDistinctAggregate(pParse, pFunc, &keyEL) ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "DISTINCT aggregates must have at most one "
+           "non-constant argument");
         pFunc->iDistinct = -1;
-        KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = keyInfoFromExprList(pParse, pE->x.pList);
+        KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = keyInfoFromExprList(pParse, &keyEL);
         sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, pFunc->iDistinct, 0, 0,
                           (char*)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
@@ -3565,12 +3630,12 @@
       nArg = 0;
       regAgg = 0;
     if( pF->iDistinct>=0 ){
       addrNext = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
-      assert( nArg==1 );
-      codeDistinct(pParse, pF->iDistinct, addrNext, 1, regAgg);
+      //assert( nArg==1 );
+      codeDistinct(pParse, pF->iDistinct, addrNext, 1, regAgg +
     if( pF->pFunc->flags & SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL ){
       CollSeq *pColl = 0;
       struct ExprList_item *pItem;
       int j;

Index: src/sqliteInt.h
--- src/sqliteInt.h
+++ src/sqliteInt.h
@@ -1530,10 +1530,11 @@
   struct AggInfo_func {   /* For each aggregate function */
     Expr *pExpr;             /* Expression encoding the function */
     FuncDef *pFunc;          /* The aggregate function implementation */
     int iMem;                /* Memory location that acts as accumulator */
     int iDistinct;           /* Ephemeral table used to enforce DISTINCT */
+    int iDistinctArg;        /* Index of argument that is DISTINCT */
   } *aFunc;
   int nFunc;              /* Number of entries in aFunc[] */
   int nFuncAlloc;         /* Number of slots allocated for aFunc[] */

-- Stevie-O
Real programmers use COPY CON PROGRAM.EXE
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