
In SQLite 3.7.4/3.7.5, does WAL seem to be stable enough for production use?

And then, an architecture question.  I have an app that occasionally needs to 
do significant background processing.  I'd like to keep the GUI awake and 
looking at the current data set while the app is computing the updated data in 
the background.  The obvious notion is to ask a secondary process or thread to 
do the background processing.  However, both the background task and the GUI 
need to access the same DB.

WAL seems perfectly suited to this architecture.  While the background 
processing is going on, only the background task can write to it; but the GUI 
can read the database all it likes, seeing only the data committed before the 
background task started its current transaction.

Does this make sense?  Is there an easier way to do it that doesn't involve WAL?

Thanks very much!


Will Duquette --
Athena Development Lead -- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"It's amazing what you can do with the right tools."

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