Is there something I need to do to keep my sqlite WAL files from
getting huge with 3.7.5?

-rw------- 1 swift swift 152M 2011-02-10 23:43
-rw------- 1 swift swift  19M 2011-02-10 23:43
-rw------- 1 swift swift 2.4G 2011-02-10 23:43

There the database is 152MB and the wal file is 2.4GB.  This happens
when we're benchmarking, so we have like 8 processes trying to write
concurrently or whatever.  Write transactions also slow down as the
wal file gets bigger.  I've read through the couple of threads on
this, but never saw if there was a solution.

-- Mike
sqlite-users mailing list

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