On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Eric Smith <eas....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Fredrik Karlsson wrote:
>> package require sqlite3
>> sqlite3 db :memory:
>> db eval {create table a (id INTEGER);}
>> db eval {insert into a values (1);}
>> db eval {insert into a values (2);}
>> db eval {select * from a where id in (1,3);} vals {parray vals}
>> vals(*)  = id
>> vals(id) = 1
>> set alist [list 1 3]
>> 1 3
>> db eval {select * from a where id in $alist;} vals {parray vals}
>> near "$alist": syntax error
>> --------------
> This implies that the manner in which $alist gets expanded should be
> sensitive to the SQL context in which the expansion happens (and also,
> for the purposes of backward compatibility, to the value of the
> variable iteslf).
> Unless I'm mistaken that would require pushing the expansion logic down
> much further into sqlite, and probably would still fail in a number of
> cases.
> So I doubt you'll get much traction there, especially since this can be
> pretty easily done from your application.
> Here's an option off the top of my head:
> proc qSqlList {alistname} {
>  set magic_array_name _qSql_${alistname}_arr
>  upvar $alistname alist $magic_array_name alist_arr
>  #assert {[string is list $alist]} ;# or whatever your infra provides
>  array unset alist_arr
>  set i 0
>  set out [list]
>  foreach item $alist {
>    set alist_arr($i) $item
>    lappend out \$${magic_array_name}($i)
>    incr i
>  }
>  return ([join $out ,])
> }
> So your call becomes:
> db eval "select * from a where id in [qSqlList alist]" vals {parray vals}
> SQLite does the expansion on the underlying list values with the proper
> sqlite3_bind_* calls etc.
> The proc isn't 100% ideal because:
> 1. it creates this magic array in the caller's scope (not the prettiest
>   thing in the world), and
> 2. for that reason it disallows dumb copies of the return value to float
>   around.  You need to make the sqlite call close to where you do the
>   quoting.
> Still, it might be good enough for your purposes.  Or maybe you can
> expand on the idea, wrap it up into a cleaner interface, and go from there.

Hi Eric,

Thank you for that! I could definitelly wrap that proc up to at least
get the array to be in a separate, hidden, namespace or something like



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