>Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 13:12:09 +0000
>From: "Black, Michael (IS)" <michael.bla...@ngc.com>
>I'm of the opinion that all such warnings should be permanently fixed.
Such warnings do point to potential problems.
>And not by disabling the warning but by fixing the code (explicit casts for
>How many people try this and get worried about possible problems?  If you
simply fix the code once all those people will feel a whole lot better when
they crank >up the warnings and see nothing.
>I went through this exercise myself for SQLite at one point and looked at
each and every warning to try and determine if there was a possible error
caused by all >the miscasts.
>I don't understand the resistance to fixing these.  And I'd feel a whole
lot better with somebody who KNOWS the code saying "yeah, explicit cast is
OK here".
I really agree with this.  I compile all production code wth highest warning
level possible and make it always compile warning free.  Why would you NOT
want the compiler to point out potential issues.  This lets the developer
basically make an approval by inserting a cast or whatever.

Jeff Archer
Nanotronics Imaging
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