On 23 Feb 2011, at 6:11am, Sudha Venkatareddy wrote:

> *Actual output: MyDb.db remains size 23KB(size not changes from original)
> and creates temporary file etilqs_Hm4RUi6JPXcMZ17 whose data is same as
> MyDb.db but the size is reduced to 13KB*

Your problem is probably related to


.  It's quite legitimate for your symptoms to occur while the database handle 
is still open but you should not be seeing those files after you have closed 
the connection to the database.  Either you are not closing the database 
connection properly, or some part of the API you're using is not closing the 
database connection properly.

I'm not familiar with how this problem manifests because I don't use Windows, 
so I'll leave it up to an expert to tell you if it needs fixing somehow.

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