
this looks to me like a bug but maybe this is just my misunderstanding.

the databases shema is the trac database schema visible here
but i do not believe the schema is really relevant to the point

the problematic clause is "and pmilestone.name not like '%release%'"

this first query behaves as expected

sqlite> select
   ...>  pmilestone.name,
   ...>  typeof(pmilestone.name),
   ...>  pmilestone.name not like '%release%',
   ...>  typeof(pmilestone.name not like '%release%'),
   ...>  ticket.type
   ...> from milestone as pmilestone
   ...> inner join ticket on pmilestone.name=milestone
   ...> where
   ...>  due > (select max(due) from milestone where name like
'Release%' and completed)
   ...>  and pmilestone.name not like '%release%'
   ...>  and ticket.type like 'Blanc%'
   ...> group by pmilestone.name
   ...> ;
CRM|text|1|integer|Blanc - Évolution
FAI|text|1|integer|Blanc - Évolution
iter60|text|1|integer|Blanc - Évolution
iter61|text|1|integer|Blanc - Évolution
iter62|text|1|integer|Blanc - Évolution

but when the join becomes a left outer, some results are missing

sqlite> select
   ...>  pmilestone.name,
   ...>  typeof(pmilestone.name),
   ...>  pmilestone.name not like '%release%',
   ...>  typeof(pmilestone.name not like '%release%'),
   ...>  ticket.type
   ...> from milestone as pmilestone
   ...> left outer join ticket on pmilestone.name=milestone
   ...> where
   ...>  due > (select max(due) from milestone where name like
'Release%' and completed)
   ...>  and pmilestone.name not like '%release%'
   ...>  and ticket.type like 'Blanc%'
   ...> group by pmilestone.name;
CRM|text|1|integer|Blanc - Évolution
FAI|text|1|integer|Blanc - Évolution
iter60|text|1|integer|Blanc - Évolution
iter62|text|1|integer|Blanc - Évolution

i do not believe it should be possible that a query with a left join
yields less results
than the exact same query with an inner join.

possibly this would be expected from a having clause on the table right
to the join but that would be asking for trouble

is this really a bug ?


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