On 29/03/2011, at 12:59 AM, Sam Carleton wrote:

> The system calls for an associative table, a table with two foriegn
> keys to two other tables, allowing for a many to many relationship.
> Is there any way to make the primary key be both the columns?

Yes, you can define a primary key on two columns:

CREATE TABLE Invoice_Item_Favorite
(       Invoice_Item_Id INTEGER
,       FavoriteId INTEGER
,       primary key (Invoice_Item_Id, FavoriteId)
,       FOREIGN KEY(Invoice_Item_Id) REFERENCES Invoice_Item(Invoice_Item_Id)
,       FOREIGN KEY(FavoriteId) REFERENCES Favorite(FavoriteId)

The primary key constraint does the same job as the unique constraint, so I 
would instead use the build in integer primary key as the primary key and 
define anything else as unique, like this:

CREATE TABLE Invoice_Item_Favorite
(       ID integer primary key
,       Invoice_Item_Id INTEGER
,       FavoriteId INTEGER
,       unique (Invoice_Item_Id, FavoriteId)
,       FOREIGN KEY(Invoice_Item_Id) REFERENCES Invoice_Item(Invoice_Item_Id)
,       FOREIGN KEY(FavoriteId) REFERENCES Favorite(FavoriteId)

This doesn't use any extra disk space or memory, since it just aliases the 
build in row_id that all tables have. The advantage is that you can choose to 
refer to the ID column as a single column unique identifier. You can also use 
the multi-column unique constraint, but this requires more complex syntax (eg 
in where statements).


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