On 29 Mar 2011, at 12:38pm, Arjen Markus wrote:

> is this under Windows? con is one of the reserved file names, dating
> from the DOS days (or even before that).

Bah.  Arjen beat me to it.  Yes 'con' is the filename you used to use when you 
wanted to talk to the CONSOLE: the terminal connected to the front of the 
mainframe rather than one being served using the timesharing system.  It is 
something like what Unix means by 'stdin' and 'stdout'.

>  Other reserved names are aux, 
> nul and prn (I think there is a fifth, but I cannot remember that one).

Depends which company's mainframes you used to use.  But I believe some 
versions of DOS carried over LPT1 to LPT9 (line printer), CLOCK$ (a 
pseudo-device which outputs a timer count), and COM1 to COM9 channels (serial 

> So, that has nothing to do with SQLite itself.

Agreed.  Other operating systems may have no trouble with a file called 'con' 
but have problems with other filenames, for example 'stdout'.

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