
we are having problem with database that originated on computer of one
of our customers.

The database is used in WAL mode with auto_vacuum=1 and page_size=1024.

When running the "pragma incremental_vacuum(1);" command the WAL file
grows to 14Mb, while we would expect it to grow only to about 4Kb (1Kb
per page + some overhead). This causes the transaction to run for much
longer time than expected and eventually the WAL file grows to several
gigabytes when we try to run incremental_vacuum for 4096 pages.

Additional facts:
- The database was created with SQLite 3.7.5 running on Windows
- "pragma integrity_check;" reports ok
- Some free trunk list pages contain weird values in the "number of
entries" field

I have attached most of the dumps that I could create with the regular
SQLite tools (showdb dbheader, sqlite3_analyzer output, beginning of
the free list dump). I'm willing to send the whole database file
(~5Gb) to sqlite developers on request.

My questions are:
- Is is expected behavior that "pragma incremental_vacuum(1);" can
create 14Mb WAL file even though the page size is just 1Kb?
- If not, is it a know bug? If yes, in what circumstances?
- Is the free list corrupted? And if it is, how could this happen and
should "pragma integrity_check;" verify it?

Best regards,
Filip Navara

-- showdb mail_data.dat dbheader --

Pagesize: 1024
Available pages: 1..1389458
 000: 53 51 4c 69 74 65 20 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 20 33 00 SQLite format 3.
 010: 04 00 02 02 00 40 20 20 00 00 00 2f 00 55 33 92 .....@  .../.U3.
 020: 00 4b 47 99 00 54 53 34 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 .KG..TS4........
 030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 ................
 040: 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2f .............../
 060: 00 2d e2 1d 00                                  .-...
 010: 04 00              1024  Database page size
 012: 02                    2  File format write version
 013: 02                    2  File format read version
 014: 00                    0  Reserved space at end of page
 018: 00 00 00 2f          47  File change counter
 01c: 00 55 33 92     5583762  Size of database in pages
 020: 00 4b 47 99     4933529  Page number of first freelist page
 024: 00 54 53 34     5526324  Number of freelist pages
 028: 00 00 00 01           1  Schema cookie
 02c: 00 00 00 04           4  Schema format version
 030: 00 00 00 00           0  Default page cache size
 034: 00 00 00 04           4  Largest auto-vac root page
 038: 00 00 00 01           1  Text encoding
 03c: 00 00 00 00           0  User version
 040: 00 00 00 01           1  Incremental-vacuum mode
 044: 00 00 00 00           0  meta[7]
 048: 00 00 00 00           0  meta[8]
 04c: 00 00 00 00           0  meta[9]
 050: 00 00 00 00           0  meta[10]
 054: 00 00 00 00           0  meta[11]
 058: 00 00 00 00           0  meta[12]
 05c: 00 00 00 2f          47  Change counter for version number
 060: 00 2d e2 1d     3007005  SQLite version number

-- showdb mail_data.dat 4933529t (truncated) --

Pagesize: 1024
Available pages: 1..1389458
Decode of freelist trunk page 4933529:
 000: 00 0b 47 9a      739226  Next freelist trunk page
 004: b5 b7 bc b5   -1246249803  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739226:
 000: 00 0b 47 9b      739227  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 9f 65 86 9f   -1620736353  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739227:
 000: 00 0b 47 9c      739228  Next freelist trunk page
 004: d9 ed ea d9   -638719271  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739228:
 000: 00 0b 47 9d      739229  Next freelist trunk page
 004: d9 ed ea d9   -638719271  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739229:
 000: 00 0b 47 9e      739230  Next freelist trunk page
 004: db f0 ed db   -604967461  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739230:
 000: 00 0b 47 9f      739231  Next freelist trunk page
 004: db f0 ed db   -604967461  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739231:
 000: 00 0b 47 a1      739233  Next freelist trunk page
 004: db f0 ed db   -604967461  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739233:
 000: 00 0b 47 a2      739234  Next freelist trunk page
 004: d8 ec e9 d8   -655562280  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739234:
 000: 00 0b 47 a3      739235  Next freelist trunk page
 004: d8 ec e9 d8   -655562280  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739463:
 000: 00 0b 48 88      739464  Next freelist trunk page
 004: e9 d8 ec e9   -371659543  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739464:
 000: 00 0b 47 8d      739213  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 739213:
 000: 00 0b 46 93      738963  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 738963:
 000: 00 0b 45 99      738713  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 738713:
 000: 00 0b 44 9f      738463  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 738463:
 000: 00 0b 43 a5      738213  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 738213:
 000: 00 0b 42 aa      737962  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 737962:
 000: 00 0b 41 b0      737712  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 737712:
 000: 00 0b 40 b6      737462  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 737462:
 000: 00 0b 3f bc      737212  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page
Decode of freelist trunk page 737212:
 000: 00 0b 3e c1      736961  Next freelist trunk page
 004: 00 00 00 f8         248  Number of entries on this page

-- sqlite3_analyzer output --

/** Disk-Space Utilization Report For mail_data.dat
*** As of 2011-Apr-05 11:44:52

Page size in bytes.................... 1024
Pages in the whole file (measured).... 5583762
Pages in the whole file (calculated).. 5583761
Pages that store data................. 30199        0.54%
Pages on the freelist (per header).... 5526324     99.0%
Pages on the freelist (calculated).... 5526325     99.0%
Pages of auto-vacuum overhead......... 27238        0.49%
Number of tables in the database...... 2
Number of indices..................... 1
Number of named indices............... 0
Automatically generated indices....... 1
Size of the file in bytes............. 5717772288
Bytes of user payload stored.......... 16323306     0.29%

*** Page counts for all tables with their indices ********************

LOCALMAILCONTENTS..................... 30198        0.54%
SQLITE_MASTER......................... 1            0.0%

*** All tables and indices *******************************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.54%
Number of entries..................... 109914
Bytes of storage consumed............. 30923776
Bytes of payload...................... 16987667    54.9%
Average payload per entry............. 154.55
Average unused bytes per entry........ 117.25
Average fanout........................ 98.00
Fragmentation.........................  73.3%
Maximum payload per entry............. 5730
Entries that use overflow............. 324          0.29%
Index pages used...................... 292
Primary pages used.................... 29501
Overflow pages used................... 406
Total pages used...................... 30199
Unused bytes on index pages........... 40084       13.4%
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 12839816    42.5%
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 7814         1.9%
Unused bytes on all pages............. 12887714    41.7%

*** All tables *******************************************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.52%
Number of entries..................... 54958
Bytes of storage consumed............. 29961216
Bytes of payload...................... 16323898    54.5%
Average payload per entry............. 297.02
Average unused bytes per entry........ 232.27
Average fanout........................ 98.00
Fragmentation.........................  72.4%
Maximum payload per entry............. 5730
Entries that use overflow............. 324          0.59%
Index pages used...................... 292
Primary pages used.................... 28561
Overflow pages used................... 406
Total pages used...................... 29259
Unused bytes on index pages........... 40084       13.4%
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 12717169    43.5%
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 7814         1.9%
Unused bytes on all pages............. 12765067    42.6%

*** All indices ******************************************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.017%
Number of entries..................... 54956
Bytes of storage consumed............. 962560
Bytes of payload...................... 663769      69.0%
Average payload per entry............. 12.08
Average unused bytes per entry........ 2.23
Fragmentation.........................  99.89%
Maximum payload per entry............. 15
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0%
Primary pages used.................... 940
Overflow pages used................... 0
Total pages used...................... 940
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 122647      12.7%
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0
Unused bytes on all pages............. 122647      12.7%

*** Table LOCALMAILCONTENTS and all its indices **********************

Percentage of total database..........   0.54%
Number of entries..................... 109912
Bytes of storage consumed............. 30922752
Bytes of payload...................... 16987075    54.9%
Average payload per entry............. 154.55
Average unused bytes per entry........ 117.25
Average fanout........................ 98.00
Fragmentation.........................  73.3%
Maximum payload per entry............. 5730
Entries that use overflow............. 324          0.29%
Index pages used...................... 292
Primary pages used.................... 29500
Overflow pages used................... 406
Total pages used...................... 30198
Unused bytes on index pages........... 40084       13.4%
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 12839501    42.5%
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 7814         1.9%
Unused bytes on all pages............. 12887399    41.7%

*** Table LOCALMAILCONTENTS w/o any indices **************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.52%
Number of entries..................... 54956
Bytes of storage consumed............. 29960192
Bytes of payload...................... 16323306    54.5%
Average payload per entry............. 297.03
Average unused bytes per entry........ 232.27
Average fanout........................ 98.00
Fragmentation.........................  72.4%
Maximum payload per entry............. 5730
Entries that use overflow............. 324          0.59%
Index pages used...................... 292
Primary pages used.................... 28560
Overflow pages used................... 406
Total pages used...................... 29258
Unused bytes on index pages........... 40084       13.4%
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 12716854    43.5%
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 7814         1.9%
Unused bytes on all pages............. 12764752    42.6%

*** Indices of table LOCALMAILCONTENTS *******************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.017%
Number of entries..................... 54956
Bytes of storage consumed............. 962560
Bytes of payload...................... 663769      69.0%
Average payload per entry............. 12.08
Average unused bytes per entry........ 2.23
Fragmentation.........................  99.89%
Maximum payload per entry............. 15
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0%
Primary pages used.................... 940
Overflow pages used................... 0
Total pages used...................... 940
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 122647      12.7%
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0
Unused bytes on all pages............. 122647      12.7%

*** Table SQLITE_MASTER **********************************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.0%
Number of entries..................... 2
Bytes of storage consumed............. 1024
Bytes of payload...................... 592         57.8%
Average payload per entry............. 296.00
Average unused bytes per entry........ 157.50
Maximum payload per entry............. 527
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0%
Primary pages used.................... 1
Overflow pages used................... 0
Total pages used...................... 1
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 315         30.8%
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0
Unused bytes on all pages............. 315         30.8%

*** Definitions ******************************************************

Page size in bytes

    The number of bytes in a single page of the database file.
    Usually 1024.

Number of pages in the whole file

    The number of 1024-byte pages that go into forming the complete

Pages that store data

    The number of pages that store data, either as primary B*Tree pages or
    as overflow pages.  The number at the right is the data pages divided by
    the total number of pages in the file.

Pages on the freelist

    The number of pages that are not currently in use but are reserved for
    future use.  The percentage at the right is the number of freelist pages
    divided by the total number of pages in the file.

Pages of auto-vacuum overhead

    The number of pages that store data used by the database to facilitate
    auto-vacuum. This is zero for databases that do not support auto-vacuum.

Number of tables in the database

    The number of tables in the database, including the SQLITE_MASTER table
    used to store schema information.

Number of indices

    The total number of indices in the database.

Number of named indices

    The number of indices created using an explicit CREATE INDEX statement.

Automatically generated indices

    The number of indices used to implement PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraints
    on tables.

Size of the file in bytes

    The total amount of disk space used by the entire database files.

Bytes of user payload stored

    The total number of bytes of user payload stored in the database. The
    schema information in the SQLITE_MASTER table is not counted when
    computing this number.  The percentage at the right shows the payload
    divided by the total file size.

Percentage of total database

    The amount of the complete database file that is devoted to storing
    information described by this category.

Number of entries

    The total number of B-Tree key/value pairs stored under this category.

Bytes of storage consumed

    The total amount of disk space required to store all B-Tree entries
    under this category.  The is the total number of pages used times
    the pages size.

Bytes of payload

    The amount of payload stored under this category.  Payload is the data
    part of table entries and the key part of index entries.  The percentage
    at the right is the bytes of payload divided by the bytes of storage

Average payload per entry

    The average amount of payload on each entry.  This is just the bytes of
    payload divided by the number of entries.

Average unused bytes per entry

    The average amount of free space remaining on all pages under this
    category on a per-entry basis.  This is the number of unused bytes on
    all pages divided by the number of entries.


    The percentage of pages in the table or index that are not
    consecutive in the disk file.  Many filesystems are optimized
    for sequential file access so smaller fragmentation numbers
    sometimes result in faster queries, especially for larger
    database files that do not fit in the disk cache.

Maximum payload per entry

    The largest payload size of any entry.

Entries that use overflow

    The number of entries that user one or more overflow pages.

Total pages used

    This is the number of pages used to hold all information in the current
    category.  This is the sum of index, primary, and overflow pages.

Index pages used

    This is the number of pages in a table B-tree that hold only key (rowid)
    information and no data.

Primary pages used

    This is the number of B-tree pages that hold both key and data.

Overflow pages used

    The total number of overflow pages used for this category.

Unused bytes on index pages

    The total number of bytes of unused space on all index pages.  The
    percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes divided by the
    total number of bytes on index pages.

Unused bytes on primary pages

    The total number of bytes of unused space on all primary pages.  The
    percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes divided by the
    total number of bytes on primary pages.

Unused bytes on overflow pages

    The total number of bytes of unused space on all overflow pages.  The
    percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes divided by the
    total number of bytes on overflow pages.

Unused bytes on all pages

    The total number of bytes of unused space on all primary and overflow
    pages.  The percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes
    divided by the total number of bytes.

The entire text of this report can be sourced into any SQL database
engine for further analysis.  All of the text above is an SQL comment.
The data used to generate this report follows:
CREATE TABLE space_used(
   name clob,        -- Name of a table or index in the database file
   tblname clob,     -- Name of associated table
   is_index boolean, -- TRUE if it is an index, false for a table
   nentry int,       -- Number of entries in the BTree
   leaf_entries int, -- Number of leaf entries
   payload int,      -- Total amount of data stored in this table or index
   ovfl_payload int, -- Total amount of data stored on overflow pages
   ovfl_cnt int,     -- Number of entries that use overflow
   mx_payload int,   -- Maximum payload size
   int_pages int,    -- Number of interior pages used
   leaf_pages int,   -- Number of leaf pages used
   ovfl_pages int,   -- Number of overflow pages used
   int_unused int,   -- Number of unused bytes on interior pages
   leaf_unused int,  -- Number of unused bytes on primary pages
   ovfl_unused int,  -- Number of unused bytes on overflow pages
   gap_cnt int       -- Number of gaps in the page layout
INSERT INTO space_used
INSERT INTO space_used
INSERT INTO space_used
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