Dear experts,

My application makes use of several data files attached to the SQLite
database.  Data files are attached on demand as they become necessary.  I'm
experimenting with the WAL journalling mode as a speed/performance
optimisation.  Unfortunately I'm having some difficulty setting the journal
mode to WAL on the attached databases.

Here is some diagnostic output:
Setting database 'DC2_DB_20110412' journal mode to WAL.
sqlite3_exec('0x1f8f57a8','COMMIT',NULL,NULL,'cannot commit - no transaction
is active') = SQLITE_ERROR
DC2_DB_20110412.JOURNAL_MODE=WAL',NULL,NULL,'cannot change into wal mode
from within a transaction') = SQLITE_ERROR

The two sqlite3_exec() statements are executed directly after each other.
If the 'COMMIT' reports that no transaction is active, why is the
JOURNAL_MODE pragma still complaining about it being within a transaction?
Am I missing something here?

I'm working with SQLite 3.7.3.

Best regards,
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