On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Petite Abeille
<petite.abei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 25, 2011, at 7:57 AM, Nico Williams wrote:
>> For group_concat(), however, this undefined order is
>> obnoxious.
> Seconded. As it stands, group_concat nondeterministic nature renders it 
> useless for most practical purposes.

I wouldn't say "useless".  For unordered relations it works fine.  For
ordered relations I've taken to applying group_concat() to the
concatenation of the ordering expression and the value expression,
like so: SELECT ..., group_concat(list_order || ':' || value, ',')

> For what's worth, here is the syntax adopted by Oracle for its LISTAGG 
> function [1]:
> LISTAGG( expression,  delimiter ) WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY clause )

If I understand correctly, that's exactly the syntax that I'd like:
WITHIN GROUP (<order-by-exps>).  It allows the query optimizer and
engine to implement a single intra-group order of application of all
aggregate functions.  This is much more reasonable, IMO, than the
MySQL syntax.

> As group_concat already supports 'distinct', perhaps tagging 'order by' at 
> the end of the expression would not be that bad:
> GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT expression ORDER BY clause, delimiter )

Yes, but that's not indicative of the VM having sufficient
functionality to implement intra-group order.  However, looking at the
VDBE opcodes superficially, and at the differences between the VDBE
code generated when using or not using DISTINCT this way, it does look
like the VM does have all that is needed to implement intra-group

> EIther way, irrespectively of syntax, group_concat would greatly benefit from 
> a deterministic ordering :))


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